Advocacy Activities Events and Publications

The 10th Taipei Corporate Governance Forum

publish time:2014-10-03

The Taiwan government began promoting the importance of corporate governance in 1998. Acting upon the importance of this issue, the Executive Yuan established the CG Task Force and released an Action Plan in 2003, all of which show Taiwan's dedication to reforms. Since that time, the Taiwan government, private sector, and NPOs (nonprofit organizations) have actively adopted corporate governance measures. Referring to the Principles of Corporate Governance launched by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), we have revised the Company Act and Securities and Exchange Act. The regulator's rules and policies have been expanded to further strengthen the corporate governance framework, enhance board functions, protect shareholder interests, strengthen disclosure and transparency, and emphasize the role of stakeholders in corporate governance.

In response to rapid corporate governance reforms around the region, the Financial Supervisory Commission launched a 5-year Corporate Governance Roadmap in December 2013 to push for sound business development and enhance confidence in Taiwan's capital markets. The roadmap gives a clear vision of our corporate governance policies in the coming years. The Corporate Governance Center was established to consolidate resources and integrate feedback, and to act as a liaison between the government and listed companies to promote corporate social responsibility and enhanced governance. Held just before the one-year anniversary of the roadmap, this year's forum provides a notable opportunity for representatives of domestic listed companies and foreign corporate governance related institutions to share practices and gain a stronger understanding of the roadmap execution and our future vision. Valuable insight from case studies and discussions on developments in the region will deepen awareness of the value of corporate governance, and will also help to raise the level of corporate governance in Taiwan.

This year's forum will address four main themes:
1. Recent Asian/Global Corporate Governance Developments
2. Trends in Non-Financial Information Disclosure and Global Responsible Investment
3. Corporate Governance Trends from the Perspective of Investors
4. Post-Crisis Corporate Governance Reforms and Enforcement among APEC Economies

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